Author: Since FML's vector image was broken, Erin_Silversmith took the bitmap version and vectorised it. The labels in Portuguese were replaced with letters, for internationalisation purposes.
(The iris was redone in the second revision of this image, based on the photograph Image:Iris.eye.225px.jpg (automatically vectorised using Delineate). However, in the fifth revision, this was then replaced by a spoke-like design based on the original GIF.)
To the right, there is an example of how the diagram can be used in an article.
Note how the diagram is neat, and the labels can be Wikilinks.
If a version with labels in a certain language is deemed necessary, it should be uploaded with the language suffix i.e. Tear system xx.svg where xx is the language code. Lizenz: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5Bild:WikimediaWortbeschreibung : Wikipedia Der Tränensack ist ein Teil des Tränenapparats. Er ist der obere erweiterte Teil des Tränennasengangs und liegt in einer Einkerbung des Tränenbeins und des Stirnfortsatzes des Oberkiefers. Er verbindet die Tränenkanälchen, welche die Tränen von der Oberfläche des Augapfels ableiten, und den Tränennasengang, welcher die Flüssigkeit in die Nasenhöhle weiterleitet. Mehr lesen